Thursday, March 20, 2008

NTD opens Earth-Friendly Store at Mistral

Over the course of the past months, I've heard some of our beloved fanatics say they cannot go to my stores in certain Gorean sims, whether it is from travel restrictions, or ban lists that unfortunately affect certain people.

Today I wish to announce a partnership with newly renovated club and mall sim, and the grand opening of an Earth-Friendly store, NTD Mistral!

NTD Mistral will still hold true ot our commitment to Gorean lifestyles, and will regularly showcase our new products on a rotation basis.

Also, today since we are celebrating Mistral's grand opening, at 1PM SLT, I'm tossing in some of our cuddle rugs to be won on the board. Come support the club and mall opening, and win the 2000L for the "Come as you are" opening event, plus great prizes from NTD!

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