Wednesday, April 9, 2008

NTD Superstores Officially Launched!

Yes, many of you may have noticed some construction going on lately at several NTD store locations. I've been keeping pretty tight lipped about it though since I wanted to save it all for a big announcement.

But, after a lot of work and also thanks to our partners, we're now proud to announce the official launch of three NTD Superstores!

These spacious store locations are unique from other stalls, designed to give an easy and enjoyable shopping experience.

To help kick off these amazing superstore locations, we are offering 20% off all product purchases from these locations for two weeks, from now until April 23rd.

So come check out our superstore locations now, and get great savings from shopping all our amazing products!

Visit our locations in-world at:
NTD Mistral Superstore
NTD Tetrapoli Superstore
NTD Bombalai Superstore

Attachments Help

Hey Fanatics, I wanted to share a little tidbid of information for those that do not watch the Second Life® blog all too often.

Now I know adjusting attachments (especially jewelry) has been a problem with some of my models starting out, and I could only assume that some of you might feel the same frustrations. A recent collection of video quick tips by Torley Linden® showed how to showed how to work around our attachment grievances.

I hope this will be useful to you:

For more Quicktips from Linden Labs®, follow this link to the official Second Life® blog.

Second Life®, SL®, and inSL® are registered trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. Nurhaci Thorne Designs is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research. No infringement is intended.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Introducing... Encolisé Collars and Bondage Equipment

So a few of you already know that I've been working the last few months on a project, creating, scripting, troubleshooting, testing, working with system compatibilities, troubleshooting, adjusting, more troubleshooting...

We're extremely proud to finally announce, that this work is now complete. Encolisé, the most beautifully realistic and feature-rich collars and bondage equipment is now available in all NTD's stores and online!

Headlining the slogan "Encolisé - Love in Bondage", our line of collars will feature full prim construction and original metal and gem textures to achieve the most realistic looking detail. From simple and stylishly functional, to elegantly jeweled and thoughtfully charmed collars, the Encolisé line of collars have been designed with two concepts in mind: To express the love and beauty in slavery, and to provide functionality for realistic power exchange.

Scripted for ease of use and to enhance the quality of your Gorean and BDSM lifestyle, each Encolisé collar comes expandable with a comprehensive list of standard features, or fully loaded with all plugins preinstalled.

Four plugins are available on release: Leash plugin (Lockmeister and Lockguard compatible), HUD, tracking plugin, and arousal plugin (Xcite! and Sensations compatible).

Fully customizable to fit your unique lifestyle needs. Each Encolisé collar is a wearable token of art that will characterise your journey of love in bondage!

Visit our store locations in-world:
Nurhaci Thorne Designs, Farnacium (32, 45, 36)

Friday, April 4, 2008

NTD Newsletter, Summer '08

Well, we're rolling into Summer '08, and to tell everybody the truth, I can barely remember the last time I sat down to write a newsletter like this one. I believe it was about 3 months or so ago, just around the turn of the new year, and things were a little bit uncertain and very much undergoing change.

Thanks to some intuitive preplanning, and some good grace from friends and respectable individuals, we were able to pick up after a bit of incongruity and move ahead with what we had, to continue and create better products, and to build upon our store to make it better than before.

Over the last quarter, we've doubled our selection of products: Bringing out new and exciting styles in women's jewelry and birthstone jewelry, featuring new textures and sculpted prims, a brand new selection of fur rugs and cuddle rugs, and the announcement of the new Bravalia line of Gorean musical instruments headlined these past few months of our store's banner.

We've also had much progress in making our products better and more readily available to our customers! Just within the last few months, we've grown from barely three stores last quarter to nine stores today (seven market stalls and two superstores). We've established new partnerships and product compatibilties with widely used systems like Xcite!, Sensations, Lockmeister and LockGuard, we've created a new blog and added to our existing update group, and we've made new progress in store design, and in our online stores to help serve you better.

We've even had some time to put towards helping local Gorean and Earth venues by participating in fashion shows, sponsoring treasure hunts, games, and promoting our affiliated cities with sales and promotions.

Now, I know we've promised a lot of things in the beginning of last quarter, some of which I haven't quite gotten around to. But rest assured that they're not forgotten. I've put in a lot of time over the last few weeks to work on a few things, and over the summer you will see some great product announcements on the horizon.

So keep your eyes peeled dearest fanatics, because there will not be time to miss what's to come.

Nurhaci Thorne

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Diamond Heart Navel Rings

Hey Fanatics!

We're coming into April, and to kick start the month's birthstone jewelry collection, I've decided to try something new.

Now those of us that have come to know the Alluranté collection, you know that I've mostly focused mostly on the staple centrepieces. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and I've only recently gotten into anklets.

This week I want to round off the Diamond Hearts line a little bit, by introducing the diamond heart navel rings.

These come in our lustrous gold and silver, each featuring a brilliant heart shaped diamond and a european cut diamond studded topball, all made with original micro sculpties and high sparkle textures.

And for those that don't mind no-mod items, I've also put a gift version in steel, in a separate box in all my store locations. So come by one of our store locations and pick up one for yourself or a loved one today!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

NTD opens in Tetrapoli

So it's actually been a while since I was last visiting in Tetrapoli.

Several months ago, I had the pleasure of playing a few rounds of Kaissa with the Administrator and a couple of the others there, on a newly installed table. Kept me up rather late, but if memory serves, my recollection of Tetrapoli could be simply summed up as: friendly people, beautiful architecture, and damned good Kaissa.

This week I was invited back on a somewhat different sort of venture. Seems there had been a few store spaces opened up in the isle's market square, just near the entrance to the city, and perhaps I had left enough of an impression, either with my Kaissa or otherwise, that the Admin had made note to inform me of the opportunity.

I found myself treated with the same good grace and courtesy which made me feel welcome, and so I'm more than proud to announce the official opening of NTD Tetrapoli.

For the two weeks between March 22nd and April 5th, all items purchased at NTD Tetrapoli are 20% off the regular price! So come visit NTD Tetrapoli today!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

NTD opens Earth-Friendly Store at Mistral

Over the course of the past months, I've heard some of our beloved fanatics say they cannot go to my stores in certain Gorean sims, whether it is from travel restrictions, or ban lists that unfortunately affect certain people.

Today I wish to announce a partnership with newly renovated club and mall sim, and the grand opening of an Earth-Friendly store, NTD Mistral!

NTD Mistral will still hold true ot our commitment to Gorean lifestyles, and will regularly showcase our new products on a rotation basis.

Also, today since we are celebrating Mistral's grand opening, at 1PM SLT, I'm tossing in some of our cuddle rugs to be won on the board. Come support the club and mall opening, and win the 2000L for the "Come as you are" opening event, plus great prizes from NTD!